Film Reviews: Bleed For Deadpool, Or A Star Is Priceless

Film Reviews: Bleed For Deadpool, Or A Star Is Priceless

[vc_row][vc_column width=”3/4″][vc_column_text] By BRUCE DENNILL Deadpool 2 / Directed by David Leitch / 16DLNPSV Jackie / Directed by Pablo Larrain / 13V A Star Is Born / Directed by Bradley Cooper / 16DLS I, Tonya / Directed by Craig Gillespie / 16DLNPSV...
Film Reviews: Getting Tanked, Or Of Victims And Heroes

Film Reviews: Getting Tanked, Or Of Victims And Heroes

By BRUCE DENNILL   Fury / Directed by David Ayer / 16LV                                           8 American Sniper / Directed by Clint Eastwood / 16LV                7   The strength of a good war film is in finding the smaller stories within massive,...