By BRUCE DENNILL The biographical film drama Girl You Know It`s True tells the story of the meteoric rise and fall of Milli Vanilli, the pop superstars of the late Eighties and early Nineties. Natasha Loring stars as ‘Lisa’. In the...
Created by four-time SAFTA winner Alex Yazbek, small-town psychological thriller Dam was one of the 10 most-watched titles of 2021 on Showmax and the most nominated drama series at the 2022 SAFTAs, earning rave reviews for breaking the mould of South African TV....
By BRUCE DENNILL In Showmax Original film Dam, Yola Fischer (Lea Vivier), who returns from Chile to the Eastern Cape to bury her father, only to be tormented by spirits in the farm house she has inherited. But with her mother institutionalised, and her own meds...