Author Interview: Zeenat Sultan – A Family Complete, Or Interest Re-Kindled

November 28, 2021

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The first instalment in a new family saga by Zeenat Sultan, A Family Complete offers readers an enthralling rags to riches story as Aruba’s story unfolds, from growing up in Karachi to finding love in Dubai. Readers are drawn into the juxtaposition between Aruba and her mother’s life, and that of the family her mother works for. Zeenat Sultan was born in Bradford, UK and brought up in Manchester. A Family Complete is the first part in this four-book series.


When, and under what circumstances, did the idea for your latest book come to you?

I always loved to read and one day a few years back at work, the idea for the book came to mind and I just started to write it.


How did you conduct your research or other preparation before writing – was it more experiential or more academic or desk-based?

It was mainly desk-based, as I have travelled to Karachi many times and visited Dubai – where the story is based – once, so I had my own personal experiences and research about of the cities.


If resources (money, time, whatever) were no object, what additional groundwork would you like to have completed?

Maybe if I had been able to work part-time instead of full-time and spent less time writing the book, I could have published it sooner than later.


When considering influence, do you find yourself wanting to write like someone (in terms of their style, tone or use of language), or aiming for a kind of perspective or storytelling approach you admire or enjoy?

I have enjoyed reading Mills & Boon books and Virginia Andrews stories. In future, I would like to write a book similar to The Arabian Nights, with a little added magic.


What’s in your to-read pile – and what upcoming book (other than yours!) are you most looking forward to?

I just browse through Kindle and whichever synopsis of a book touches me is the one I start to read. I have recently been reading a lot of non-fiction stories on Kindle.


Do you have a favourite character that you have created? Or if you’re writing non-fiction, do you have a specific topic that you find endlessly fascinating?

I am currently also working on a new project. It is a fantasy, and the main character in the story is inspiring – I enjoy writing about her.

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