Opinion: Why Work Doesn’t Work, Or Industrious Insanity

Opinion: Why Work Doesn’t Work, Or Industrious Insanity

By CHANTAL HERMAN So a few years back, Leonardo DiCaprio interviewed Elon Musk in his movie Before The Flood, and Musk said just 100 of his clean-energy factories could power the planet. THE PLANET. I was so excited by the news, but now I realise South Africa would be...
Opinion: Advertise Your Ethics, Or Just Do IP

Opinion: Advertise Your Ethics, Or Just Do IP

By ZAMA BUTHELEZI Zama Buthelezi is a Partner at Spoor & Fisher South Africa. For more information, go to spoor.com.   Advertising is all about communicating a message in order to sell a product or service. The most successful advertisements are those that...
Opinion: Streaming Consciousness, Or Listening Re-Learned

Opinion: Streaming Consciousness, Or Listening Re-Learned

By JOHN MCKNIGHT Professor John McKnight is a partner at Spoor & Fisher.   I have never been a fan of music streaming services. I should perhaps begin by saying that when it comes to listening to music, I consider it to be a multi-sensory experience. Not only...
Writing: Motivated By Fear, Or Just Plane Thrilling

Writing: Motivated By Fear, Or Just Plane Thrilling

By DJ WILLIAMS   My wife and I were vacationing in Hawaii when one morning she woke and said, “I want to go skydiving.” Being the seasoned husband that I am, I replied, “Yes, dear.” Now what you should know about my wife is that she’s afraid to fly. So, you can...
Opinion: Live-Action Remakes – Nostalgia Or Nous?

Opinion: Live-Action Remakes – Nostalgia Or Nous?

  By JESS ROBUS   It is often remarked that there are not enough hours in the day to do all of the things that need doing. While that’s probably intended as a light-hearted bemoaning of busyness, this phrase has since become the grumbled mantra of...